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10 Beginner’s Tips For Breastfeeding A Newborn Baby

breastfeeding mother

10 Beginner’s Tips For Breastfeeding A Newborn Baby

breastfeeding mother

Are you a first-time mother who is embarking on the journey of breastfeeding a newborn? Since breastfeeding is a new experience for both mother and child, it can be challenging in the beginning. However, over time, as you and your baby get used to the process, it will become effortless and enjoyable for both of you.
As a new mother, you may feel overwhelmed and have a number of questions on your mind. You don’t know how to position the baby correctly, latch them on properly, or understand your baby’s cues. With the right preparation and support, you can ease into breastfeeding with confidence and build a strong bond with your child. After all, if you know what to expect and have everything you need to make your baby comfortable, you can enjoy the precious moments of breastfeeding and see how it brings you and your baby a lot of nourishment, closeness, and happiness.

To help you ease into breastfeeding and become comfortable with the process, here are ten tips for new mothers:

1. Establish A Good Latch

While the first few times may be a little challenging, it’s crucial to develop a good latch early on to make sure the baby can nurse properly and get all the nutrition they require. The baby should ideally have a large mouthful of breast with their lips turned out. There is a learning curve for both mom and baby, but with patience and practice, the latch should become easier over time.
Some signs of a good latch or attachment during breastfeeding include: more of the areola is visible above the baby’s upper lip, their mouth is wide open and their chin is almost touching the breast.

2. Find a Comfortable Position

As a mother, you need to find a comfortable position to nurse your baby. When you feel relaxed, it will be easier for your baby to latch on and nurse. An incorrect position can be physically tiring and make it difficult for the baby to latch on, as well as cause discomfort in your own body.
Pro-Tip: Practice skin-to-skin contact with your baby as often as possible to nurture a strong bond between the two of you and ensure a pleasant breastfeeding experience.
Some breastfeeding positions that you can try out include:
– the cradle position: one of the most common breastfeeding positions in which the mother cradles the baby’s body in her arm and supports its head with her hand
– the cross-cradle position: similar to the cradle position but with the baby’s head supported by the mother’s opposite hand
– the football hold position: the mother holds the baby under her arm like a football, supporting its head with the hand on the same side
– the side-lying position: the mother lies down on her side and holds the baby in front of her, at the same level as her breast

3. Mentally Prepare Yourself For Feeding Your Baby

Breastfeeding is a new experience that can take some getting used to and requires you to mentally prepare yourself. There can be discomfort and soreness as your body gets used to producing milk and your baby starts learning how to properly latch on. It can help if you set your expectations realistically and understand that there may be bumps along the way.
It might help if you stay connected with someone who is willing to support you and hear you out as you learn how to breastfeed and adjust to motherhood. Being mentally and emotionally prepared will make the journey easier, and a reliable support system will make this transition smoother.

4. Get Nursing Pads and Nursing Bras

When you begin nursing, the first liquid that comes out of your breasts may be colostrum, but within a few days, your milk will come in. When this happens, you might wake up to see yourself covered in milk leaks! Nursing pads are an absolute must-have at this point because they will help absorb the leaks and keep your clothing dry.
Nursing bras can also be incredibly helpful at this stage because they are specially designed for the changing shape of your breasts and can provide additional support and comfort.

5. Work on Mindfulness

Mindfulness can help you be more aware of your body and its needs, and it can even help improve your sleep quality, which can enhance the quality of your breast milk production. The calmer you feel, the more able you are to recognize the signs that your breasts are full and ready for relief. New mothers can work on mindfulness practices to better recognize and understand their bodies, as well as their baby’s needs.
Pro-Tip: Be mindful of the number of feeds; ideally, your baby will nurse 8–12 times per day.

6. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is also crucial for the quality of a new mother’s milk. Therefore, you need to intentionally drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. It won’t do you any good to wait until you are thirsty to drink water.
While it’s important for everyone to drink water, new mothers, in particular, need to be mindful of their intake. It will help the baby as well as the mother, since breastfeeding mothers need extra water to make up for what their bodies lose while nursing.
Some signs to look out for if you’re a breastfeeding mother who suspects being dehydrated include:
– Decreased breastmilk production
– Feeling more faitigued than usual
– Experiencing muscles cramps
– Frequent headaches without
– Having to deal with dry mouth and lips
– Occasionally feeling nauseous

7. Take Care of Yourself

As a new mother, it can be easy to forget about taking care of yourself. You must keep in mind that neglecting your own physical and mental wellbeing can have an impact on the quality of your breastmilk. Eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and drinking plenty of fluids are all important for breastfeeding mothers.
Since your breastmilk is recommended for infants in the first 26 weeks of their lives, you need to be conscious of your own nutrient intake too. Breastfeeding nutrition might seem difficult to master at first, but you can start off by introducing some foods to your diet like: lean meat, lentils, fruits and even eggs.

8. Keeping a Breastfeeding Log

When you keep a record of your feeding sessions, you can better track how well your baby is growing and eating. A breastfeeding log can also help mothers to better understand the needs of their baby and ensure they are providing adequate nutrition. When you meet your doctor for regular check-ups, you can share your log with them to ensure they understand your baby’s overall health and nutrition.

9. Monitor Baby’s Urine Output

When you’re monitoring the progress of breastfeeding, it is also important to track your baby’s urine output. You can do this by counting the number of wet diapers per day and noting any changes in color.
Pro-Tip: To ensure your baby is getting sufficient breastmilk, pay attention to your baby’s hunger cues, such as rooting, smacking their lips, or putting their hand in their mouth.

10. Create a Relaxing Ambience With Suitable Lighting to Breastfeed

When you’re breastfeeding, a relaxing atmosphere can help you relax and focus on your baby. The last thing a new mother wants to experience is a feeling of distraction or being overwhelmed due to the lighting in the room. Warm, gentle lighting can help you feel more relaxed by creating a calm and welcoming environment.


Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professionals. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009. SESSION 2, The physiological basis of breastfeeding. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK148970/

“What to Eat While Breastfeeding Your Baby.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 27 Apr. 2022, https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/in-depth/breastfeeding-nutrition/art-20046912.

White, Jennifer. “How Much Water Should Breastfeeding Parents Drink?” Verywell Family, Verywell Family, 19 Oct. 2022, https://www.verywellfamily.com/does-drinking-more-water-affect-breastfeeding-284285.

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