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6 Awesome Kids Bedroom Design Ideas

design ideas for nursery

6 Awesome Kids Bedroom Design Ideas

design ideas for nursery

Do you want to find ways to make your kid’s room more appealing to the eye? A beautiful, functional, and comfortable bedroom is a must for any child, and as a caring parent, you want nothing less for your kid. You may be pleased to learn that there are some fantastic changes you can make to your child’s bedroom design. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you can do a lot to improve the quality of your child’s bedroom and make it a more functional place for them to play and learn.
Pay attention to the following six ideas to make your child’s bedroom stand out:

1. Make The Space Intentional With Zones

A child’s bedroom needs to be adaptable so that it can develop alongside the child. It’s understandable to prioritize a play area over a study area for a toddler, but by the time your kid starts elementary school, he or she may need both. Creating distinct zones in your child’s bedroom can help make it more flexible for their needs.
Rather than trying to cram too much seating in your child’s room, focus on creating areas of the room that can efficiently serve different purposes. As a child grows, they may want more out of their bedroom space, so you could include a:
● Sleeping area: to ensure that your child gets adequate rest. Obviously, this is the most crucial area and should be the most comfortable
● Playing area: to ensure that your child can make the most of his or her toys. They must have adequate room to move around and play.
● Studying area: to ensure your child can study at peace without feeling constricted. They should have easy access to a study table and chair.
● Storage & Changing area: to ensure the child can learn to organizetheir spaces better. They can make much less of a mess if there is a designated place to change and store their belongings.
Redesigning a child’s bedroom again as they get older and have different needs is the last thing youwant to do. Always remember that your child’s bedroom needs to be more than just beautiful. It needs to be practical.

2. Prioritize Colour Combinations in Design

Are you worried about choosing a colour scheme that your kid might outgrow? If you have young children, you can use vibrant colours or calming pastels in their bedrooms. Picking a colour when they’re young can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that their tastes will likely shift as they age. When their tastes shift, it’s no big deal to give the room a facelift by switching out the wallpaper and carpet.
If you have a child, you may want to consider how they feel about the colour scheme. According to research, girls, in particular, showed a preference for brighter colours and a dislike for darker colours, and studies showed that this preference increased with age. Boys, unlike girls, are more likely to associate positive feelings with darker hues. However, the preference for your child can only be discovered by you, don’t discount their feelings when deciding on the color scheme.
Don’t overthink too much when you have to make this decision. Choose a colour scheme that you know will complement the rest of your home and will spark your child’s imagination. In a home where most of the walls are painted in mild shades, for example, a child’s bedroom should be decorated in pastel tones with a pop of colour somewhere. Be careful not to go too crazy with the bedroom’s furniture and upholstery; everything should coordinate well.

3. Introduce Simple Storage Solutions

As a thoughtful parent, you should install practical storage solutions in your kid’s bedroom. They must be able to retrieve and put away their books and toys without a hitch. If you make it easy for them to pick up after themselves, they’ll learn responsibility and you’ll have less to do. Make sure there is a laundry basket and closet they can easily use to keep their belongings organised.
A child’s bedroom is an area where parents should pay special attention to storage, but they often fail to do so. Ultimately, this causes them more work and stress as they have to clean up the mess. Your child will appreciate you for helping them develop this skill at a young age if you make it easier for them to organise their belongings.


4. Let The Bed Take Center Stage


A bed is an essential piece of furniture for your kid’s room. While a simple bed may be all your kid needs, it is your responsibility to ensure that it becomes an exciting focal point in their room. Use fun and decorative bedding that inspires your child’s imagination and boosts their creativity. Furthermore, make sure that the bedding in your child’s room allows them to feel comfortable, secure, and at ease when they lie down for the night.
When looking for a bed, pay attention to the details, especially the height of the frame from floor. Take into account your child’s development over time; no kid deserves to spend sleepless nights squirming in a bed that is too small. Most first-time parents who buy a small bunk beds for their child end up having to replace it before long. Other than that, spending a little extra on a high-quality mattress and pillows can also have a major impact on your child’s health and quality of sleep.

5. Provide Comfortable and Stylish Seating

Seating in a child’s bedroom should be multifunctional, allowing for activities ranging from reading a bedtime story to a preschooler to playing blocks with a toddler. The ideal seating should be comfortable so it doesn’t stifle the child’s creativity.
Seating can be arranged in various ways, including directly on the floor if desired. You must play around with your options and be mindful of your choice. Whatever you do, keep the seating arrangement away from your child’s bed.

6. Incorporate Versatile Lighting to Enhance the Bedroom

The lighting in your child’s bedroom should not only enhance the overall vibe of the room, but it should also be functional. Don’t settle for a light that’s either too dim to read by or too bright that it gives you a headache. Hanging pendant lights add a dramatic touch to the atmosphere and aren’t too bright, allowing your children to read in bed comfortably.
Another great way to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere is by using a night light. Don’t fall for the myth that night lights can promote nearsightedness, as research proves otherwise. Night lights are especially beneficial for children because they help them overcome their fear of the dark. These lights come in various shapes and sizes, so you can find one that complements their room and makes them feel more secure at night.

The Bottom Line

You can make your kid’s bedroom nicer and more useful for play and study if you’re willing to put in some time and effort. You can play around with design elements and ensure that you are mindful about the storage and lighting. Additionally, you can divide up the bedroom into different sections to make the most efficient use of the available space.


“Night Lights Don’t Lead to Nearsightedness, Study Suggests.” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 9 Mar. 2000, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/03/000309074442.htm.
Boyatzis, Chris J., and Reenu Varghese. “Children’s Emotional Associations with Colors.” The Journal of Genetic Psychology, vol. 155, no. 1, 1994, pp. 77–85., https://doi.org/10.1080/00221325.1994.9914760.

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